Scooperman Inc.


As the 1st North Carolina (Charter) member of APAWS I say... Don't be fooled by fly by night companies. I have seen over 30 come and go! Scooperman Inc. is a legitimate tax paying and insured "S" Corporation. Scooperman Inc. has been in "Your Dogs Business" locally since 2004. Prior to that Scooperman was in "Business" for 5 years in Florida after being laid off from his management position at Kennedy Space Center with the Space Shuttle Program. Scooperman Inc. is Veteran Owned and Operated. Your best bet is to "Hire a Vet"! Scooperman Inc. offers complete cleanup and disposal of Pet Waste from lawns and properties. Both Residential and Commercial services available. For Home Owner Associations,(HOA) Scooperman Inc. offers Pet Waste Station service, sales, and installation. Service consists of weekly removal of collected trash and replacement of pet waste baggies as needed.

Area Covered

Scooperman Inc. services the "Greater Charlotte" area and all or parts of the following Counties: Iredell, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Catawba, Lincoln, Union, Gaston, Lanncaster & Rowan

Contact Information

Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone:
(704) 953-5453
Scooperman Inc.
Contact: Traci Williams
Phone: (704) 953-5453

arrow Return to state is an organization for professional animal waste specialists (pooper scoopers) working to provide education and affiliation. cannot police member businesses. Our Find-A-Scooper directory is provided as a courtesy for pet owners and as a benefit for members. assumes no liability in making this contact information available to the general public. It is the responsibility of the pet owner to require proof of current insurance and licensing (if applicable) and/or references before hiring a pooper scooper service.

Our members are required to maintain insurance coverage but we cannot be responsible for a lapse in coverage. Members must also agree to uphold our Code of Conduct.


If you feel a member is not upholding this code or could not provide proof of insurance, please advise us so that we may address the situation if needed.