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aPaws Elections of Board Members

Date: 10/29/2024

Election Time!
It's that time of the year where you get to run, nominate and vote for your board members of aPaws. This year the President, Secretary and Board Member at Large Position 1 (are elected on even numbered years.)
How Do I Nominate Somebody?
Any Individual Member in good standing may nominate himself/herself or any other Individual Member in good standing for election to the Board. They must have been a member in good standing for a minimum of 1 year, 4 years for the Treasurer position. Please be sure they are interested in serving if elected. Post your nomination on the aPaws member's Facebook page or e-mail your nomination to: info@apaws.org Members of the Board will be elected by the membership via an election conducted online.
Remember to include the following important information:
The contact name and business of the person you are nominating
The position for consideration
Your name and business
We suggest you email a copy of your nomination to the nominee, and the board will follow up with the person you nominate to make sure they accept the nomination. Once the nomination has been accepted by the nominee, we will ask for a brief biography about the nominated person and their goals for aPaws during the term served. A statement from the candidate and a picture can be sent to info@apaws.org to be posted for the members to read.
Who is currently nominated?
The current nominees will be available on the website in the members’ Facebook page after acceptance by the present Board. This list will be updated as new nominees are posted.
How long do I have to nominate someone or myself?
All parties must be nominated by 12:00 PM (EST) on November 3rd, to be included in the current election.
When will I receive my ballot to vote?
All voting will be done online via Member's Facebook page. Voting will begin online on November 15, and end November 30.
Who will the newly elected candidates be serving with?
The newly elected board members will serve their term with the current board of directors until their terms are up.

It's your time to contribute and help out in this all volunteer run organization of pooper scoopers. Stay tuned to the private facebook page for candidates.

Tim Stone II - President aPaws