Public Health Articles

Elevate Your Dog's Life With These Strategies

May 29, 2024 - Every dog has a unique personality and set of needs that, when met, can significantly enhance their quality of life. As a responsible and caring dog owner, you can... Full story arrow

Did You Know?

Jan 31, 2013 - Chocolate And Your Pet Full story arrow

Dog Doogity

May 12, 2012 - Scoop Poop Video Full story arrow

Ho Ho Ho to Oh No!

Nov 21, 2010 - The 5 most commonly used holiday decorative plants and the problems they pose to pets . . . Full story arrow

Dog Bite Prevention

May 7, 2008 - An estimated 4.7 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs each year. Dog-bite injuries are a serious problem in our country, but they're a problem we can solve. Full story arrow


May 6, 2008 - Giardia is transmitted from host to host by ingesting cysts in contaminated feed or drinking water. Giardia can infect humans. Full story arrow


May 6, 2008 - Whipworms are intestinal parasites which are about 1/4 inch (6 mm) long. Whipworms are not infectious to people; they are parasites of the dog. Full story arrow


May 5, 2008 - Tapeworms are not highly pathogenic (harmful) to your dog. They may cause debilitation and weight loss when they occur in large numbers. Full story arrow


May 4, 2008 - The most important aspect of hookworms is that they could pose a health hazard to humans. Especially if you have children, it is imperative to keep on top of the situation and have your pet regularly tested. Full story arrow


May 3, 2008 - Canine heartworm disease occurs all over the world. The disease is spreading and is now found in most regions of the United States and Canada, particularly where mosquitoes are prevalent. Full story arrow


May 2, 2008 - Although the risk to humans is slight, roundworm is a major health concern. Full story arrow

Dog Waste and Your Health

May 1, 2008 - Dog Waste is not the predominant or most toxic pollutant in urban streams, but it is one of many small sources of pollution that can cumulatively have a big impact if left unmanaged. Full story arrow


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Set Out on a Memorable Getaway with a Canine Companion

Jun 25, 2024 - Embarking on a journey with a beloved canine can be an enriching endeavor, filled with unique moments and bonding opportunities. However, the key to... Full story arrow

Elevate Your Dog's Life With These Strategies

May 29, 2024 - Every dog has a unique personality and set of needs that, when met, can significantly enhance their quality of life. As a responsible and caring dog owner, you can... Full story arrow

A Guide to Instagram-Worthy Dog Photography

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