Pet Butler


Pet Butler provides professional pet care services such as pet waste removal, dog walking, pet sitting and pet shuttling. Locally owned and operated, our dedicated team of pet lovers gives you peace of mind and delivers the very best care to your pets.?

Area Covered

60157 60169 60172 60173 60174 60175 60177 60181 60184 60185 60187 60188 60189 60190 60191 60192 60193 60194 60403 60404 60406 60423 60431 60432 60433 60435 60439 60440 60441 60446 60447 60448 60451 60452 60453 60455 60457 60459 60462 60463 60464 60465 60467 60477 60480 60482 60487 60490 60491 60502 60503 60504 60505 60506 60510 60512 60514 60515 60516 60517 60521 60523 60525 60527 60532 60538 60540 60542 60543 60544 60545 60554 60555 60558 60559 60560 60561 60563 60564 60565 60585 60586

Contact Information

11909 S. Spaulding School Drive
Palinfield, IL 60585
Contact: Rick Diaz
Phone: 800-738-2885

arrow Return to state is an organization for professional animal waste specialists (pooper scoopers) working to provide education and affiliation. cannot police member businesses. Our Find-A-Scooper directory is provided as a courtesy for pet owners and as a benefit for members. assumes no liability in making this contact information available to the general public. It is the responsibility of the pet owner to require proof of current insurance and licensing (if applicable) and/or references before hiring a pooper scooper service.

Our members are required to maintain insurance coverage but we cannot be responsible for a lapse in coverage. Members must also agree to uphold our Code of Conduct.


If you feel a member is not upholding this code or could not provide proof of insurance, please advise us so that we may address the situation if needed.